How to Add Full Year (6 credit) Courses to Saved Schedule

    1. In your Workday Student profile, click on the “Academics” app on the right hand side of your screen.
    2. Click “Registration & Courses”
    3. Click “Find Course Sections” on the right side of your screen. This will take you to the course schedule where you can view the list of available course sections.
    4. The following pop-up window will appear. All full year 6 credit courses will fall under Winter Term 1. Therefore, to find these courses, please make sure to input the following:
      Start Date within: 2024-24 Winter Term 1 (UBC-V)
      Academic Level: Undergraduate
      Then click OK.
    5. You will then be taken to the course schedule.
    6. Scroll down to the filter section titled “Credits” and click on “More” to see more options.
    7. Check the box beside “6.0” to see courses that are worth 6 credits.
    8. Click on the course section link that you are interested in.
    9. Check the Start/End Date to confirm that this is a full year course.
    10. Click “Add to Saved Schedule” button to add this course to your Term 1 Saved Schedule
    11. Click the “Saved Schedule” field and make sure to add this course to a Winter Term 1 Saved Schedule.
    12. Click “Choose Times” at the bottom of your screen.
    13. Make sure to select the course section that is being offered as a full year course.
    14. Click “OK”
    15. On your Saved Schedule, you will see the 6 credit course listed.
    16. The start date will be a date in September and the End Date will be a date in April.