Example of a saved schedule with conflicting Term 2 Course that will not work for registration

Reminder: Please do not add sections that cause time conflicts on your saved schedule. Workday will allow you to do this for courses that span the whole academic period and conflict with other Term 2 courses. While you can technically add these to your saved schedule, you should not.

These time conflicts will cause your registration to be unsuccessful.

  1. To search for Term 2 courses, make sure to select the following:
    – Start Date within: 2024-24 Winter Term 2 (UBC-V)
    Academic Level: Undergraduate
    Then click OK.
  2. After clicking on the link to this Term 2 course section, I will see the following page.
  3. After reviewing the Meeting Patterns, this course conflicts with a full year 6 credit course that has already been added to the Term 1 Saved Schedule. But, you will still be allowed to add this course to my Term 2 Saved Schedule.
  4. To add this conflicting Term 2 course to my Saved Schedule, Add to Saved Schedule.
  5. Select or create a Term 2 Saved Schedule.
  6. Click “Choose Times”.
  7. Click “OK” to select the course section and add it to the Term 2 Saved Schedule you have selected.
  8. In the Saved Schedule, click “Calendar View”.
  9. Note! Even though this Term 2 course conflicts with a full year course added to our Term 1 Saved Schedule, you will not see that full year course displayed here. Term 1 and Term 2 Saved Schedules are completely separate and therefore do not check for course conflicts between the two terms.